There are so many mentors in the industry teaching you that you have to sell high-end to make money. But the reality is, that can be really hard to do when you don't have a big following.
If people don't know you yet, they're probably not going to drop a $1000 on a product. But they will take a chance on you for something that costs them $50 or less, because it's low risk for them.
Once they see how awesome your work is, they'll happily invest at your higher price points.
But you've got to them in the door first. And you can do that so much easier with Low ticket offer formula.
How to Create a Wildly Profitable Business Selling Digital Products for Under $50" offer
kit complete with a step-by-step plan and templates!
You'll Get this Step-by-Step Marketing Plan: (45-pages)
7 Must-have Funnel Emails- Use these templates to make sure you support every stage of your sales funnel. But first, let’s remind ourselves of what a sales funnel has to address.
Audience Needs Worksheet -Use this worksheet to define your audience’s needs and determine which specific one to address.
Content Dominance Guidebook - Use this guidebook as a quick crash course on how to catch people’s attention and make your message memorable with every piece of content you write.
Crafting Your Unique Messaging Template - Use this template to craft your message – one that stands out, speaks to your ideal customer, and truly reflects your brand.
Crystallize Success Worksheet - Use this worksheet to zero in on every aspect of your offer until your goal, ideal customer, and path become crystal-clear.
Funnel Flow Worksheet - Use this worksheet to isolate the necessary steps in your Sales Funnel and create a visual representation.
Low-End Offer Worksheet - Use this worksheet to brainstorm your best low-end offer – the one most sure to please your ideal customer.
Mindmap to Your $$$ Offers - If you are a visual thinker, you may find mind-mapping a better solution than writing out a textual list when brainstorming.
Pricing Worksheet - Use this worksheet to brainstorm and calculate your best price for your low-end offer.
Product Sales Email Template - Use this template to craft a sales email for your low-end offer.
Sales Script Email Template - Use these scripts as templates for your sales pitches. Be as specific as possible when crafting your unique versions.
Social Media Template - Use this template to create a series of buzz-worthy social posts.
Solution-Driven Offers Worksheets - Use this worksheet to brainstorm and decide upon your best type of solution-driven offer.
Step-by-Step Low-End Product Setup - Use this worksheet to develop a solid set-up routine and checklist for creating your low-end product.
Test Your Idea Worksheet- Use this worksheet to determine how well your product is likely to sell.
Welcome Funnel Email Templates- Use these adapted swipe-file email templates to craft your Welcome email sequence.
Effortless Set-up Checklist - Use this checklist to make sure you have covered all the bases when creating your low-end offer so that next time you will have effortless creation and set-up.
Launch Checklist - Use this checklist to make sure your launch runs like clockwork, error-free!
Low-ticket offer Strategy Checklist - Use this checklist to make sure you have built a complete low-end offer strategy.
Prelaunch Checklist - Use this checklist to make sure your pre-launch process runs smoothly without any glitches, omissions, or bottleneck points.
Sales Funnel Checklist - Use this checklist to make sure you set up your sales funnel perfectly.
Tech To-Do Checklist - Use this checklist to make sure your tech processes run smoothly.
Your Tech Master List - Use this checklist to make sure you have installed all necessary tech systems.
If you know you can put this to good use in your business, make sure to click the link below to get your copy...